Surviving Daylight Savings
LiveScience have reported that on the first day of daylight savings there are more traffic and workplace accidents, heart attacks and suicides but researchers have no idea why it happens.
Here are some TOP TIPS to help you combat the risks of daylight savings:
1. Plan ahead
In the days leading up to the change, start going to bed 10 minutes early each night and getting up 10 minutes earlier every morning. If you do this for 6 days you will have already adjusted to the hour difference.
2. Open the curtains
Exposing yourself to sunlight every morning will help reset your internal clock. Sadly sunshine is not guaranteed every morning in the UK so cloudy sky exposure may have to suffice.
3. Turn off the lights
Avoid exposure to light in the evenings by dimming the lights and turning off the TV early.
4. Workout earlier
Experts say you should try and get your workout in before 5pm, unfortunately this may mean heading to the gym before work instead of after. Research shows that exercising late in the day can keep you awake longer.