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4 beautiful houseplants which improve sleep!

A good night’s sleep is vital if you want to lead a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. Lack of sleep can exacerbate existing stresses, mental health problems, decrease productivity and can negatively affect your relationships.

We all appreciate that a great way to destress is by spending time outdoors, so why not bring the outdoors indoors?

We spoke with a range of plant biologists for their advice on what plants to include in the bedroom to create a relaxing and tranquil vibe.



Lavender is really popular indoor plant as it smells just as good as it looks. It also offers a variety of benefits, as it can be used as a culinary herb, as décor and it even has medicinal benefits.

Steve Shea, Landscape Designer, offers his advice on choosing a relaxing plant for your bedroom.

‘‘Although there are many kinds and they all produce the same relaxing effect, French Lavender seems to be the favourite. The classic light purple blossom can also be used in tea as well as a sachet for clothing. A hardy and drought tolerant perennial flourishes in the sun and provides years of service if properly maintained.’’

Top Tip: If you fancy a crafty experiment then dry the lavender and make your very own potpourri.

Aloe Vera


This has been listed as one of NASA’s top air-improving plants, so it’s scientifically proven to help you sleep. This plant emits oxygen at night which makes sleeping easier and more beneficial.

It also has a variety of benefits as well as helping you sleep, such as using the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves as a topical treatment for minor cuts, burns, insect bites, dry skin and lots more.

Richard Shane, Founder of Sleep Easily, discussed with us what plants can help you benefit from a rejuvenating night’s sleep.

‘‘Bamboo, Aloe, Snake Plant and Spider Plant are all great air purifiers that don’t emit too much scent. If someone is sensitive to smells or has bad allergies these are ideal. All of these plants are easy to care for so they may be better for the person with the black thumb.

Aloe, Snake Plant and Spider Plant all like indirect sunlight and water every few days, making them easy to care for and place in any room. They also help to purify the air, making the bedroom air cleaner while you sleep.’’



Jasmine has a mystical, soothing effect on both the body and mind. It’s been proven in studies to reduce anxiety and stress levels, therefore, generating a better night’s sleep.

Additionally, Jasmine is a beautiful plant which looks stunning in any environment. Richard Shane also included Jasmine as a great plant to improve your sleep.

‘‘Jasmine, Lavender, Clary Sage, and Citrus trees are very fragrant and calming plants that would be great for the bedroom. These tend to be higher maintenance plants, so for someone who travels a lot or doesn’t have success with growing, there are other options.’’

Jade Plant


A Jade Plant is a trendy succulent plant which not only looks stylish, but is said to bring good luck to the owner!

This is the perfect plant if you’re seeking a plant for your bedroom which won’t need much maintenance, as they only require watering once a month.

Desiree Thomson, Expert Gardener, shared with us her thoughts on taking care of Jade Plant so it continues to help the environment.

‘‘This is an easy-to-care-for succulent, also known as a friendship tree, lucky plant, or money tree. It doesn't require too much maintenance, just pay attention to how much sun a water it receives.

Make sure the jade plant doesn't dry out completely but don't water too often as it is prone to root rot. Place in full sun and fertilise once every six months. If you do this, the jade plant will repay you by removing pollution from the air.’’

Costa Rican Mint


Fancy choosing something a little bit different for your bedroom? Costa Rican Mint is a Jamaican Mint Tree which would make the ideal addition to any bedroom.

This beautiful green plant, similar to many of our other selected plants, offers a variety of benefits, including being the perfect ingredient making a nice cup of green tea.

Vicky from, a top new brand in Hollywood, discussed some further benefits of the Costa Rican Mint plant.

‘‘It’s eco friendly, grows fresh healthy fruits and can be grown in a container indoors or outside.’’

If you like to incorporate beautiful plants in your bedroom interior, share them with us over Twitter and Facebook!